
Can you cook your Way Out of a hangover?

Many cookbooks suggest this wine to two with a particular dish, but few tell you what to eat after you've had too many glasses. In the cookbook Hungover (Clarkson Potter), British journalist MiltonCrawford offers culinary strategies to relieve the pain of excess. We talked about the art of cooking for the next morning.

What makes you an expert on food hangover? "I have no formal qualifications, but a great reputation." What is the key to the kitchen for a hangover? "It depends on the type."I did not realize there was more of a kind. "Some involve physical pain, some psychological."
What is the emotional hangover? "One example is what PG Wodehouse called the broken compass. It leaves the victim feeling confused and depressed. I suggest re-spicy foods your passion for life. "And what is best for beating a headache?" Analgesics and rehydration, but then you need comfort food. Try the scrambled eggs or favorite of Elvis Presley. Peanut butter, banana, and sandwich Bacon "Is drinking was good for your kitchen? "I think it helped me to try things I would not have tried sober. In the kitchen, that is."

