Get a dental crown on a tooth structure can be very expensive. This is a major reason why many patients for dental research of alternative treatment. If your dentist has also suggested that you dental crown treatment, this article could help you with alternatives for her.
People who are prone to develop large cavities are mainly proposed for dental crowns by dentists as a way of restoration. A crown generally covers the entire tooth or a dental implant to prevent further damage to tooth structure. It is mounted on the tooth with dental cement. Dental crown materials are of various types and the overall cost of treatment varies with the type of material used to make the crown. Many people like to be crowns of gold or silver, which metals are very expensive. Some people go for dental crowns simply to improve the aesthetic appeal of their teeth which is not favored by many dentists.
Placing a dental crown requires a reduction of a tooth to nearly a third of its normal size so that the crown adheres properly to the tooth structure. This aggressive approach can lead to tooth nerve damage, which eventually destroys the tooth. Opt for an alternative treatment may prevent the occurrence of such damage and reduce the overall cost of treatment significantly.
Alternatives Dental Crown for the restoration of teeth
Inlays teeth
Metal-metal crowns and mixed their own set of drawbacks. Mixed metal crowns tend to generate the effects of type of battery in the mouth when they come into contact with saliva thereby creating significant tensions in the mouth, which can interfere with regular brain waves. On the other hand, metal crowns are eroded over time by staying in contact with saliva acidic, which creates a leak as a result, the toxins and to reach the plate below the crown and cause damage.
This problem is solved using an inlay or onlay tooth as an alternative. It is biocompatible, nontoxic and safe. There is no issue related to the escape of matter as onlays are met to the tooth using lasers and this method is sometimes able to restore the real strength of the tooth structure. This method can sometimes be so good that no further treatment is necessary in the future.
Dental fillings
Many people wonder if the filling of teeth is a suitable alternative to a dental crown? Well, it depends on the extent of damage to teeth. If the damage is less, it can be a good alternative as seen in some cases, where the filling works extremely well for the patient. However, when the tooth structure has a large cavity, it may not be possible to replace a crown with a filling. The dentist is the perfect person to analyze whether a fill will work for someone or not. We must also remember that the filling of teeth is only a temporary replacement of the crown and the need for a dental crown will certainly arise in the future.