LauraLee Bell's hair, can be compared to a blonde Cher look of the sixties, here we come, full of flowers, Volkswagen and blue jeans. Lady straight hair into a scientific definition, and use a lot of consolidation to achieve this ultra-smooth gel image. There is a corner in her long straight sides of the central part. Each chain has a smooth and velvet cover tame completed, we see her cuticle. Non-perfect hair fiber that is still with us and as usual, the popular and fashionable. The main impression is concentrated in a thick, straight hair as possible. Began to wash your hair, apply a thick air-conditioning and styling gel you have on hand. Close your hair into a big top part, two on each side and three in the back, you will begin in the lower back, under the super vent hair brush, and move outward, while blowing your hair until dry section. To smaller pieces to speed up the drying process. When you do the bottom line first, middle, and repeat, and follow through the entire head. When you come to both the hair and bring your face around the frame. When dry, use a large number of serum if necessary, spray gloss smooth, close attention to your ends. This style should look thick. And you did not think you can do it!