
Ponytail hairstyle

OK. So youve spent a lot of hard earned money on new clothes. "You have to spend a few hours to pamper yourself; do your nails dark, vampy nails perhaps, around the body scrub, to blur and you make-up - see the art Palletes - is so carefully applied, you may as well start a new career as an artist, but how your hair like?

Think about how much you get when youve just kick your haircut, color or style. You feel like one million U.S. dollars, DONT do? ! But honestly ask yourself, how many times have you made efforts to do something different, your hair when youve got a very important date to attend? There are so many non-permanent way to add a little excitement proceedings. Why not consider these ideas ponytail charm, such as Salma Hayek - they range from the simple to the bright bold ...!

    Like Reese Witherspoon get knotted! Divided into two parts, your ponytail, carefully twist into random sections, and simple needle section to your head. Pull out the loose strands of experiments, changing the knot positioning of your head, or more than two sections.
    skys the limit! Use a very high ponytail, create a rugged germination results. Tease your hair with wax-based products or high-quality hair gel ponytail. Note: This style works better in shorter hair. If you have long hair, it is still possible, but you will have to twist into a bun or similar process before beginning to shorten the length of most of your locks.
    Stitched together. With a beautiful ribbon, winding sheet or strip of leather to create a KRISS crossover effect in your ponytail. You can get really creative, and create a complex weave patterns within the two or three small ponytail.

