
Blond or black hair?

Well, we have heard countless times, blond have more fun .... good. But is that true? We can honestly say, on a more happy blond statement true? This is the hair color parameters, the real problem anyway? It has long been said, blond have more fun, but now they are considered to be more self-confidence and style.

Scientists claim their research shows that bleaching hair on a woman's self-image of the spectacle.

They feel more attractive and easier to ask someone out on a date and become adventurous in the bedroom. Certain that the blonde to do better, or the blonde have more fun, always aroused controversy, but why? I mean, think about it the hair color! Why let your hair color definition of how much fun you have! Survey also shows that men like blonde, but that is because there is a blond stereotype?

Think about it! The highest percentage of Miss America title, guess ...? Blond
Marilyn Monroe ... ... blonde or her? The original platinum blonde, brunette actress Marilyn Monroe began life. Study found that hair, more easily in front of an audience, singing and dancing ... I do not know why ... there is so much to do ..... and this study may be more blonde fun, they are successful at work than black hair, according to other studies. Survey of 3,000 women, black hair, an average of 4,250 a year to earn more than the blonde. Black hair easier to marry a millionaire, the results show that two of the world's richest people have a brown hair, about two-thirds of the partners. I've read that less than 25% of the world's population is naturally blonde, but 80 percent of women in the West claimed to have blond hair. Very interesting, is not it? Natural blonde myself, I have been amazed to dye hair blonde women who, even if they clearly do not fit it. I like to try different hair color, but I know, black hair, red hair, just do not fit in my appearance. But seriously people, if whoever has the most fun? According to hair color? Live life to the fullest, and do not base how to shape the life ...

